UPS Switchboard… Uninterruptible Power Supply Switchboard Total Measurements: 3000W x 2200H x 740D 📏 Finish: RAL 9001 Cream & RAL 2004 Pure Orange Textured Powder Coat🎨 Overall Rating: 400amp form […]
Another copper packed main incomer section of an 8.2m switchboard. Fully certified to 5000amp at 100kA for 1 second. This enclosures features a Schneider Electric MTZ3 ACB and Socomec Group […]
Take a look at this copper busbar, pictured is the main incomer section of a 4.5m switchboard. Fully certified to 5000amp at 100kA for 1 second… Featuring a Schneider Electric […]
Motor Control Centre
SUPPORTING THE UK’S CONTROL PANEL INDUSTRY…. And so much more! Thanks to our bespoke nature we are able to accommodate pretty much all of our customers unique requirements. Everything is […]
Motor Control Centre
Below we have photographed just a couple of sections of a Motor Control Centre comprising a total 6 sections. Featuring Terasaki Electric (Europe) Ltd ACB’s & a tinned copper busbar […]
Bespoke Low Voltage Switchboard
A pristine low voltage switchboard featuring ABB Tmax MCCB, ready to be packed and dispatched.🚚 This enclosure is 2600W 2200H 740D, and has a rating of 1600amp 50kA for 1 […]
Adams Enclosures Newest Piece Of Machinery ACF CORNERFORMER
Adams Enclosures have invested in a corner forming machine to not only improve the quality of our doors and covers for our customers but to improve our over all manufacturing […]
4000amp form 4 type 6 80kA for 1 second Switchboard
Fantastic looking switchboard featuring Terasaki Electric (Europe) Ltd. breakers and copper busbar with a rating of 4000amp form 4 type 6 80kA for 1 second.
Low Voltage Switchboard
Combination of low voltage switchboards featuring an L shape to accommodate customer requirements.
Adams Enclosures certify busbar system to 100kA
After a trip to the test lab over in Holland for our Technical Director and one of our senior engineers earlier this year, Adams Enclosures are pleased to announce that […]