A pristine low voltage switchboard featuring ABB Tmax MCCB, ready to be packed and dispatched.🚚 This enclosure is 2600W 2200H 740D, and has a rating of 1600amp 50kA for 1 […]
4000amp form 4 type 6 80kA for 1 second Switchboard
Fantastic looking switchboard featuring Terasaki Electric (Europe) Ltd. breakers and copper busbar with a rating of 4000amp form 4 type 6 80kA for 1 second.
Low Voltage Switchboard
Combination of low voltage switchboards featuring an L shape to accommodate customer requirements.
Low Voltage Switchboard
Pictured below is just 3 sections of what in total is a 5 section Low Voltage Switchboard.⚡ All together this switchboard measures up at 2500 wide 2020 high and 740 […]